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Add raster maps

Vaarre-Lamoureux, Kaysa S requested to merge kvaarre_add_maps into main

Expected output:

This merge request adds a map to 3_visualize/out. The final image is called pop_density_rast_2020_en.png. This is what the expected output should look like:


Changes made:

Added targets to 1_fetch.R, 2_process.R, and 3_fetch.R. Added corresponding functions to data_utils.R and plot_utils.R.

Review steps:

The data used for the raster map has to be manually downloaded from this link: If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Once logged in, use these selections:

  • Temporal: single year
  • File format: GeoTiff
  • Resolution: 30 second
  • File select: Year 2020


Once downloaded, unzip the file in the 1_process/in/ folder.

After downloading the data, run the pipeline with targets::tar_make() and let me know if you run into any issues, as well as your thoughts or any edits you would like me to make!

I will be adding to this MR with another map and will update this description accordingly. The code itself is still a work in progress and still needs documentation and cleaning but if you would like to make suggestions for improvement please do!

Merge request reports
