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Create quarto doc, edit for % of total pop lacking plumbing fac in '23 vs '22

Azadpour, Elmera requested to merge tidycensus-script into main

Hey Cee,

following the discussion in design studio, I created a quarto doc for us to explore more about what makes sense for the blog. In the qmd, I decided to create maps that display percent of 2022 and 2024 households (of the total pop) that lack plumbing facilities across the Western U.S. As mentioned, the data is pretty sparse:



I also wanted to take a a jab at creating a dumbbell plot that looks closer at the differences in Percent Lacking Plumbing Facilities for a state of interest, comparing 2022 vs 2023. This starts to get a bit more interesting as you see certain counties in certain states really start to look different between the two years:



Let me know what you think! I know the data is sparse across states in the Western U.S., but is still interesting to tie back to the vulnerabilities site.

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