Update isStandAlone check for Chrome
fixes #234 (closed) fixes #235 (closed) fixes #240 (closed)
There was a very simple answer to this bug.
I am not sure why, but the service worker uses "display": "fullscreen"
, but in Chrome the check that determines if the application is running as an installed PWA needs to check that the display mode is "standalone".
Tested in as many browsers as possible (on mobile and desktop), even though this issue was only reported in Chrome:
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Edge
To test perform these steps in order:
- (issue-234) Load application with legacy hash, This should have a search for 2020 with mag 7+ (five total events) http://localhost:4200/#%7B"autoUpdate"%3A%5B%5D%2C"basemap"%3A"terrain"%2C"feed"%3A"1594236680335"%2C"listFormat"%3A"dyfi"%2C"mapposition"%3A%5B%5B-89.95496591779522%2C-42.890625%5D%2C%5B89.95551519187772%2C402.890625%5D%5D%2C"overlays"%3A%5B"ushazard"%5D%2C"restrictListToMap"%3A%5B%5D%2C"search"%3A%7B"id"%3A"1594236680335"%2C"name"%3A"Search%20Results"%2C"isSearch"%3Atrue%2C"params"%3A%7B"starttime"%3A"2020-01-01%2000%3A00%3A00"%2C"endtime"%3A"2020-07-08%2023%3A59%3A59"%2C"minmagnitude"%3A7%2C"orderby"%3A"time-asc"%7D%7D%2C"sort"%3A"oldest"%2C"timezone"%3A"local"%2C"viewModes"%3A%5B"list"%2C"map"%2C"settings"%5D%2C"event"%3Anull%7D
- (issue-235) Clear the URL parameters and load the page, we should see the default application parameters load (search will no longer exist from step 1 above. http://localhost:4200/
- (issue-240) Load the application using a URL with parameters already set , this should load values from the URL and not rely on localStorage to maintain the values already set in Step 2. http://localhost:4200/?extent=-14.43468,-122.87109&extent=69.44213,-67.14844&autoUpdate=false&magnitude=all&format=dyfi&sort=largest&listOnlyShown=false&showPlateBoundaries=false&showUSHazard=true&baseLayer=ocean&timeZone=local&settings=true
Edited by Edward J Hunter