Add epistemic uncertainty branches to NGA-Sub
Conditioned on completion of #85 (closed), update KCBG_20 and PSHAB_20 to return epistemic branches from calc()
Conditioned on completion of #85 (closed), update KCBG_20 and PSHAB_20 to return epistemic branches from calc()
changed milestone to %Coding 'til Christmas
added GMM label
added In Progress label
mentioned in merge request !216 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !225 (merged)
removed milestone %Coding 'til Christmas
added 2023 label
assigned to @jaltekruse
mentioned in issue #133 (closed)
changed milestone to %NSHM Hazard Tool launch
removed In Progress label
Resolved with !216 (merged) and !225 (merged) and othr recent work