CSV Format
The current CSV format is as follows:
Static Hazard Curves for Colorado Using the 2018 NSHM
Ground Motion (g),0.00233,0.0035,0.00524,0.00786,0.0118,0.0177,...
Annual Frequency of Exceedence,0.035814,0.02564,0.017864,0.012019,...
AASHTO-2023 Web Service for the Conterminous United States
Period (s),0.0,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05,0.075,...
Spectral Acceleration (g),0.0804,0.0882,0.128,...
We need to come up with a more standardized CSV format for all NSHMP web services and web application as the Dynamic and Static hazard tool exports slightly different CSV format.
Some questions:
- What are the use cases for the CSV formatted response?
- If use case is plots in Excel, what is best format to do that?
- What CSV format can best support both Excel and programmatic access?