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\title{Raw Data Import for USGS NWIS Data}
readNWISdv(siteNumber, parameterCd, startDate = "", endDate = "",
statCd = "00003")
\item{siteNumber}{string USGS site number. This is usually an 8 digit number. Multiple sites can be requested with a string vector.}
\item{parameterCd}{string or vector of USGS parameter code. This is usually an 5 digit number..}
\item{startDate}{string starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.}
\item{endDate}{string ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.}
\item{statCd}{string USGS statistic code. This is usually 5 digits. Daily mean (00003) is the default.}
data dataframe with agency, site, dateTime, value, and code columns
Imports data from NWIS web service. This function gets the data from here: \url{}
A list of parameter codes can be found here: \url{}
A list of statistic codes can be found here: \url{}
siteNumber <- '04085427'
startDate <- '2012-01-01'
endDate <- '2012-06-30'
Laura A DeCicco
pCode <- '00060'
rawDailyQ <- readNWISdv(siteNumber,pCode, startDate, endDate)
rawDailyTemperature <- readNWISdv(siteNumber,'00010',
rawDailyQAndTempMeanMax <- readNWISdv(siteNumber,c('00010','00060'),
startDate, endDate, statCd=c('00001','00003'))
rawDailyMultiSites<- readNWISdv(c("01491000","01645000"),c('00010','00060'),
x <- readNWISdv("10258500","00060", "2014-09-10", "2014-09-12")