dataRetrieval 2.3.0
* Converted all Water Quality Portal queries to sorted=no to greatly improve retrieval times
* Converted gwlevels in readNWISdata to rdb
dataRetrieval 2.2.0
* Changed the output of tz_cd (in all *NWIS functions) to the timezone that is reported in the data frame. Before this version, it was the time zone reported by NWIS. This was confusing however since the dateTime columns default to UTC.
* Minor bug fixes
* Help file updates
* Improved query options in readNWISdata and readWQPdata functions.
dataRetrieval 2.1.4
* Expanded readNWISdata to qw data
* Improved citation file
dataRetrieval 2.1.1
* Removed tests that call external web services, server upgrades have been causing false negative results
* Added functionality to readWQPdata to allow R objects as arguments rather than just character strings
* Added parameterCd='all' option for qw calls.
dataRetrieval 2.0.2
* Moved data files (parameterCdFile and pCodeToName) to hidden sysdata.rda
dataRetrieval 2.0.1
* Removed deprecated functions.
* Added siteInfo and variableInfo dataframe attributes to all data retrival functions
* Improved help files
* Added data file (pCodeToName) that shows the association of USGS parameter code to characteristicName
dataRetrieval 2.0.0
* Overhaul of function names based on initial user feedback
* Metadata attributes added to returned dataframes
* EGRET specific functions moved to EGRET
dataRetrieval 1.4.0
* Changed naming convention:
* Changed WaterML2 rbind fill from plyr function to dplyr. Removed plyr import, added dplyr.
* Updated getNWISSiteInfo to retrieve multiple site file datasets at once using a vector of siteNumbers as input argument.
* Updated error-handling for Web service calls. More information is returned when errors happen
* Added some basic processing to Water Quality Portal raw data retrievals. Date columns are returned as Date objects, value columns are numeric, and a column is created from the date/time/timezone columns that is POSIXct.
* Added very generalized NWIS and WQP retrieval functions (getNWISData, getNWISSites, getGeneralWQPData, and whatWQPsites) which allow the user to use any argument available on the Web service platform.
* Deprecated getQWData, updated readWQPdata to take either parameter code or characteristic name.
* Changed the name of raw data retrievals to: readNWISqw, getNWISunitData, getNWISdvData, and getWQPqwData (from: readNWISqw, retrieveUnitNWISData, retrieveNWISData, getRawQWData)
* Updated mergeReport to allow for Sample data with different measurements taken on the same day
* Added getNWISDataAvailability function to find measured parameters and period of record information for a requested station.
* Added constructNWISURL function to get the URL that is used to retrieve the data.
* Added getSampleSTORET function to get STORET data directly in Sample dataframe form.
* Fixed a small leap year bug by changing day of year by making Feb. 29 always 59, and March 1st always 60 (even in non-leap years).
* Improved documentation, especially example functions.
* Improved vignette for a more complete walk-through.
* Expanded the capabilities to retrieve raw data from the web services.