Fixes #161 shiny bs dependencies
Deployed the latest app to the server and noticed that the shinyBS popover wasn't working (added screenshot of console errors to the ticket). This seems to be an issue specifically with shinyBS used in packages where only the namespace is loaded.
Found two different approaches to fix: Adding shinyBS in the Depends
field of the DESCRIPTION file. This approach works and the pipeline passes.
However, I wasn't sure the repercussions of adding shinyBS to the Depends
and found another method involving using shiny::addResourcePath()
: Move shiny::addResourcePath to .onLoad() · Issue #100 (closed) · ebailey78/shinyBS · GitHub. This also seems to work and the pipeline passes (commit 31053d6e). Leaning towards this solution if you don't see an issue with it since it doesn't involve editing the DESCRIPTION file.