Fixes #160 download handling on server
make download button only appear after PeakFQ analysis is run - outputs not available before then -
make download button disappear when user loads new data, before re-running PeakFQ analysis -
add error handling for if out files don't exist (e.g., nwis peak and nwis_site files only created when input is "Query NWIS")/don't include them in the returned zip -
make download work for Query NWIS txt/psf outfiles -
make PeakFQ analysis work on server for PSF file method -
make download work for upload PSF file txt/psf outfiles -
make download work for single tab-delim file txt/psf outfiles -
figure out plot download handling -
download files to a tmp directory (both within the download handler and within the functions triggered by the run peakfq button) -
fix query NWIS error that occurs on server and makes app crash after running PeakFQ:image.png.I think this is fixed with 6bc3760c, once we push up the latest this should be fixed.
Edited by Faunce, Kaycee Elizabeth