Updated changelog and code.json in preparation for release. 2 of 7 checklist items completed!339updated
Exempt: Trivial - WDFN-697 try replace filter to encode slash 0 of 7 checklist items completed!336updated
WDFN-697_Facebook shares - use intent tweet 2 of 7 checklist items completed!330
- Merged
- Approved
updated -
Changed bound box precision for call to get active sites to 3 0 of 7 checklist items completed!335updated
Update to jest 28.x.x 2 of 7 checklist items completed!329updated
WDFN-718 Add Feature Toggle for Affiliated Networks Accordion 5 of 7 checklist items completed!327
- Merged
- 2
- Approved
updated -
WDFN_739 - Investigate how to bring in the Vue component to use for components 3 of 7 checklist items completed!316
- Merged
- 3
- Approved
updated -
WDFN-708 Update Wording of Links Under the Map 7 of 9 checklist items completed!326
- Merged
- 2
- Approved
updated -
Update for release 3 of 7 checklist items completed!325updated
WDFN-697 Make Facebook Shares More Compelling 5 of 7 checklist items completed!322
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
EXEMPT: CI/CD - Update gitlab ci syntax for coverage reports 0 of 7 checklist items completed!313updated
EXEMPT: Trivial - Updates to dependencies except for jest 3 of 7 checklist items completed!311updated
EXEMPT: Trivial - WDFN-731: Updates to use wdfnviz 3.2 2 of 7 checklist items completed!310updated
Wdfn 728 - Optimized build of style sheets by using the @forward to designate which parts of USWDS that the app uses. 3 of 7 checklist items completed!308
- Merged
- 1
- Approved
updated -
EXEMPT: Trivial - Updated linter to prevent spaces within braces in string literals and to enforce === over ==. 2 of 6 checklist items completed!307updated
Eslint keyword spacing 2 of 6 checklist items completed!293updated
Wdfn 677 - Add a download section to the hydrograph data table 3 of 6 checklist items completed!275
- Merged
- 13
- Approved
updated -