This is a workflow to build a [STAC collection]( from the zarr asset for the dataset named above. We use the [datacube extension]( to define the spatial and temporal dimensions of the zarr store, as well as the variables it contains.
To simplify this workflow so that it can scale to many datasets, a few simplifying suggestions and assumptions are made:
1. For USGS data, we can use the CC0-1.0 license. For all other data we can use Unlicense. Ref:
2. I am assuming all coordinates are from the WGS84 datum if not specified.
If there is no crs info that can be automatically extracted from the dataset with pyproj, you will need to manually identify the crs and create a crs object. This reference list of cartopy projections may be a helpful resource:
# # check all step sizes (step_list), get number of occurences of each (step_count), and get index locations where each step size occurs in the dataset so you can manually inspect the values, if needed
# # please specify the index of the step in step_list with the step_ix field - this will return the indices in the dataset where this step size occurred
# # check all step sizes (step_list), get number of occurences of each (step_count), and get index locations where each step size occurs in the dataset so you can manually inspect the values, if needed
# # please specify the index of the step in step_list with the step_ix field - this will return the indices in the dataset where this step size occurred
# # check all step sizes (step_list), get number of occurences of each (step_count), and get index locations where each step size occurs in the dataset so you can manually inspect the values, if needed
# # please specify the index of the step in step_list with the step_ix field - this will return the indices in the dataset where this step size occurred
#### you will need to copy all of the dimensions printed below into the dict and fill in the appropriate attributes (type, axis, extent, etc.):
Please see [datacube spec]( for details on required fields.
If you have a dimension like "bnds" or "nv" that is used on variables like time_bnds, lon_bnds, lat_bnds to choose either the lower or upper bound, you can use and [additional dimension object]( We recommend making the type "count" as Microsoft Planetary Computer did [here](
# spec says that the keys of cube:dimensions and cube:variables should be unique together; a key like lat should not be both a dimension and a variable.
# we will drop all values in dims from vars
# Microsoft Planetary Computer includes coordinates and crs as variables here: