Findex global maps tabs
This MR adds a new component to the site for the Findex project. The new component uses a tab layout to display the global maps of threat severity for each major threat category and each threat subcategory.
The MR is focused on getting the layout to function, with some basic styling. The styling will need to be polished before release.
Pull the changes to your machine, run npm install
(if you haven't built the site locally before), then npm run dev
and then navigate to earth-in-flux/#/findex/inland-fish-global-threats
Does this MR include data processing, modeling, or visualization code that will require domain review prior to release?
issue templateNA
This is set up to dynamically update the text, icon, legend, and map for each category/subcategory of threat. All of the content is placeholder content for now.
The colors will need to be updated once the global map colors are updated.
The text will need to be updated once we have the updated text from the collaborators.
The icons will need to be updated once we get the updated list of icons from the collaborators.
The styling will need to be polished before release.
npm run lint --fix