Clone the repo. In RStudio, run `library(targets)` and `tar_make()`. This will require `tidycensus` and`sciencebase` credentialing to run, see instructions below.
Clone the repo. In RStudio, run `library(targets)` and `tar_make()`. This will require `tidycensus`,`sciencebase`, and `NASA Earthdata` credentialing to run, see instructions below.
## `tidycensus` set up
## `tidycensus` set up
@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ To access controlled ScienceBase items, an additional step must be completed to
@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ To access controlled ScienceBase items, an additional step must be completed to
Once the above steps are complete, `initialize_and_cache_sb()` will cache your username and token into the .Renviron file. From here, the pipeline should be able to use those cached credentials to re-initialize and refresh ScienceBase sessions in different R sessions for up to 10 hours.
Once the above steps are complete, `initialize_and_cache_sb()` will cache your username and token into the .Renviron file. From here, the pipeline should be able to use those cached credentials to re-initialize and refresh ScienceBase sessions in different R sessions for up to 10 hours.
## NASA Earthdata
Population density data must be manually downloaded from <>. You will be prompted to login to a NASA Earthdata account. If you do not have one, you will need to create one. Once logged in, use these selections: