- Oct 15, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
- Sep 27, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Update Release Tag See merge request !343
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Network Parameter Addition See merge request !342
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Added a network paramter to all list of Observatories and Variometers. I made this a non optional paramter within Observatory.py.
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Fix _post_process() in FDSNFactory See merge request !341
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
The FDSNFactory was not working with input streams that contained multiple segments. This was because FDSNFactory wasn't doing the full "_post_process" like, for example, EdgeFactory. More specifically, FDSNFactory's `_post_process()` method did not convert masked arrays (which is how obspy prefers to deal with gappy data) into regular numpy arrays with NaNs for missing data, as expected in all geomag-algorithms code. This became quickly obvious once some of the less stable ASL variometers were processed, like US-EYMN. This fix should allow us to now pull and plot EYMN, DGMT, and other stations that were not working with the previous release of FDSNFactory.
- Sep 26, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Adding a few changes to FDSNFActory regarding the FDSNNoDataException. I also... See merge request !340
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Updated data_test.py to not retrieve FilterApiQuery from DataApiQuery. Honestly not sure how these are just now causing issues when all my previous commits have contained this code.
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
I removed an unecessary call to FilterApiQuery from within Data.py. I also added validation to the FilterApiQuery.py. Rather than using super I opted to add the validation to this file beacuse sampling_period was ignored from the base class i.e. DataApiQuery and this is why the REQUEST_LIMIT was being ignored.
- Sep 24, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Adding a few changes to FDSNFActory regarding the FDSNNoDataException. I also created a private function to contain the logic that removes sensitivity/response info for traces. I added all avaiable stations that transmit geomgagnetic data for networks, IU, N4, and US to the VariometerMetadata.py module.
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
204 Error Exception Handling See merge request !339
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
- Sep 23, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Function get_nearest_time() behaves as expected now See merge request !338
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
The previous unit test relied on broken behavior of get_nearest_time() to pass. With get_nearest_time() fixed, the unit test needed to be updated accordingly.
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
A FilterAlgorith.py module function get_nearest_time() is supposed to return the nearest *allowed* time for a given filter "step". This worked fine with steps for second and minute data, whose allowed times are the tops of seconds and minutes. However, for hourly (and daily, and any "average" type step), things failed since the allowed times are the center of the interval (for example, for hourly data, which is the average of all minute samples from 00 to 59, the the allowed time is 29:30). One consequence was that if a user specified an interval with a start and end time that did not encompass a given hour's allowed center time (e.g., start=AA:29:31, end=BB:29:29), the algorithm would still return a sample for time BB:29:30. More generally, requests for average type data would include an extra sample. In this fixed version, if start=AA:29:31, and end=BB:29:29, nothing is returned, as intended (and as always worked for non-average type steps). Furthermoref start=AA:29:30, and end=BB:29:29, a sample for hour AA is generated; if start=AA:29:31, and end=BB:29:30, a sample for hour BB is generated, and if start=AA:29:30, and end=BB:29:30, samples for both AA and BB are generated, all as intended.
- Sep 20, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Remove Instrument Sensitivity/Response See merge request !337
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Added previous changes Josh made regarding the removal of the instruments response/sensitivity. I also added some default innit function incase the user wants to override this logic as requested in the original issue.
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Added logic to determine when to use the remove_sensitivity or remove_response function on trace objects. I alsoadded a remove_sensitivity flag to the __init__ function so that a user can override the default value of None fo instances where they want to use a specifc function and ignore the default logic.
- Sep 19, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
FDSN 3D Rotation See merge request !335
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
- Sep 18, 2024
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Remove instrument_sensitivity if it exist. If it doesn't exist, then an instrument_polynomial must describe the response, which is how the Geomagnetism Program specifies an offset and gain response. We do not attempt to remove any frequency-depenent response since these all seem tailored to seismic data (e.g., no DC/zero-frequency response).
- Sep 16, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
- Sep 13, 2024
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Added necessary check within FDSNSNCL.py to assign the sncl.channel as LF1,LF2,LFZ when X,Y,Z are requested by the user.
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
REsolved comments made by Josh. The rotation function is now sampling frequency agnostic, while also relying on the original stream created under get_timeseries.
Wilbur, Spencer Franklin authored
Removed previous lines of code that checked metadata for Azimuth and Dip and replaced it with a new function that rotates the Stream object if channels X, Y, or Z, are requested and returns the appropriate channel after rotation.
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Fix FilterAlgorithm.align_trace() method and unit tests See merge request !336
- Sep 12, 2024
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
The method FilterAlgorithm.align_trace() pre-processes the `trace.data` input array for subsequent processing by FilterAlgorithm.firfilter() such that the first input array element corresponds to a time step on which output samples must fall (as defined in the dictionary `step`) minus half the fir window width. In short, it ensures that output samples fall on desired time steps. Prior to this fix, it only worked as intended when input trace's starttime fell on an even time step. A bug became obvious when attempting to filter data from non-Geomag stations that did not have nice time stamps. This fix addresses that issue, and also ensures that `align_trace()` does what was claimed in its own original docstrings, which is to handle trailing misalignments as well. Note: one thing `align_trace()` does NOT do is ensure that all needed input data are available to generate desired outputs. The user is responsible for providing this, but can use the FilterAlgorithm.get_input_interal() method to calculate the actual required input starttime and endtime. The method `align_trace()` will trim or pad with NaNs only enough to align time stamps, and may actually result in `firfilter()` output that are NaNs if the input trace was not adequate.
- Sep 11, 2024
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Trying a better "rebase" (https://stackoverflow.com/a/71982894)
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Changes to AdjustedAlgorithm and AdjustedMatrix classes (and unit tests) See merge request !328
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
It was necessary to explicitly set inchannels and outchannels when instantiating the AdjustedAlgorithm class in unit tests after other changes in this MR were made to remove the hard-coded default inchannels and outchannels.
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
- no longer forces default inchannels and outchannels, and lets the AdjustedMatrix.process() method "do the right thing" if neither is explicitly set by the user - some mostly aesthetic changes that more cleanly separate the vector and scalar (F) adjustements - modified AdjustedAlgorithm.can_produce_data(): a. if any non-F inchannels cannot produce data, return False b. if F inchannel can produce data, return True as long as all non-F inchannels can also produce data c. if this is not desirable (e.g., you want to treat non-F and F channels independently), it is necessary to create two instances of AdjustedAlgorithm, one for non-F inchannels, and one for F.
Erin (Josh) Rigler authored
- explicitly setting inchannels and outchannels is now optional, and default values are pulled from the input stream argument of AdjustedMatrix.process() method - *if* non-F inchannels and outchannels are specified, they are checked for dimensional consistency with each other, and with self.matrix - returns dimensionally consistent array of NaNs if there is any mismatch in inchannels, outchannels, or self.matrix - raises exception only if all inchannels are not provided in the input stream - requires F be specified in both inchannels and outchannels, or else it returns NaNs for F This sounds a little complicated, and it is, but it was necessary in order to allow the AdjustedMatrix class to adjust both vector values (e.g., HEZ->XYZ), as well as scalar F values (e.g., pier corrections). An argument could be made to separate these, but I am not willing to do so at the moment.